Opportunity is defined as “A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances”. The Gray family has had the good fortune to recognize, create and seize upon opportunities for over a century now. These opportunities have not come to them without the dedicated support of family, friends, employees and community. We stand here today because several people believed in themselves, their future and each other.
The Gray corporate family history dates back to the early 1900’s.  Malcolm E. Gray, founder of Rochester Can Company would begin what would become a century long commitment to the sheet metal industry. Malcolm was a prolific inventor, most notably recognized for his invention of the five day work week in 1922. His dedication to manufacturing was an inspiration to his brother, William H. Gray, who started a copper gutter hanger company, of which he held a patent on, under the company name of William Gray & Sons. William H. Gray would then later begin his transition into manufacturing of furnace pipe and fittings, incorporating in 1932 under the name, Gray Metal Products. Gray Metal’s modest beginnings would take place at what has become affectionately referred to as “Carlton Street” by our family. His son, William J. Gray, would continue on in his father’s footsteps, learning the business so that one day he, too, could pass it on to his son; our father, Richard E. Gray Sr.   This would begin what can be defined today as our family’s legacy.

When our father inherited Gray Metal Products in 1974, he would immediately recognize the priceless value of our mother’s own inherent talent which would prove to parallel his own love and dedication to the business. Together, they would grow the business, dedicating long hours, with immeasurable sacrifice, working alongside employees; no task beneath them. Our parents would turn Carlton Street into a learning institution, imparting on each of us a sense of self, direction and confidence; creating what would one day be the foundations necessary for our own success and contributions to the family legacy.

With the growth and expansion efforts of Gray Metal Products, came opportunity for all of us to flourish in our own way. Our mother and father have been instrumental in all of our opportunities, encouraging us and believing in us at times more than we probably believed in ourselves. Our father was, in particular, the biggest enthusiast we had. He embraced and encouraged every dream, every goal and every step forward. He unified us in a single direction and gave us a feeling of independent accomplishment. He knew when to let go and when to step in. His love of what he did was contagious and inspirational. Today, from its’ modest beginnings at Carlton Street, the Gray Family collectively owns six manufacturing locations with substantial distribution in 30 states. It is for this reason, on this day, February 15 2008, that we give honorable mention to our mother, Carole L. Gray and dedicate this business endeavor, to our truest enthusiast, Richard E. Gray Sr., who believed in his family enough to create opportunity.